Photo: Juliane Schütz

How to read water 1:1 Ocean Walk

1 + 2 September 2023 at Leinastranden by Ytre Oslofjord

Concept/choreography/dance: Anna Thu Schmidt
Assistance/documentation: Aksel Langum Øien

Duration: 30min

Supported by: Fond for lyd og bilde, Drammen Kommune, Fond for utøvende kunstnere, Fossekleiva Kultursenter


As part of the project ‘How to read water’ dance artist Anna Thu Schmidt invites one spectator at the time for a one-on-one ocean walk and outdoor performance at the beach. The natural environment along the coast forms the setting for the encounter between one spectator and the dancer. The performance starts with a collective walk and leads to an improvised solo or duet that explores the relation between the human body and the ocean. Two bodies blend into the landscape and form a reality together in a shared space. Through a non-verbal dialogue we create a unique and personal experience. This format plays with the unknown and aspects around inclusion and exclusion by being conceptually inclusive, as well as offering an exclusive experience.


How to read water #7 in Mausund


How to read water #6 at Fossekleiva Kultursenter