
Mini Retreat with Yoga, Sound, and Movement


Welcome to a movement and sound journey to relax your mind and nourish your body, heart, and soul. Treat yourself to a day of self-care and join this collective experience to rest and recharge. Immerse yourself in two different movement sessions and experience the oceanic spherical sounds of the monochord.

Everyone is welcome and previous experience is not required. We will be a small group of max. 12 people.

Sunday 16.3.2025 11am - 4pm 

Location: Frostaveien 2, 7068 Trondheim

Program of the day:
11:00 Welcome circle
11:30 Sound meditation with the Monochord
12:00 Hatha Yoga Flow
13:00 Lunch break (We serve tea, coffee, and fruit. Please bring your own lunch.) 
13:45 Introduction to Monochord play
14:15 Movement meditation
15:15 Sound bath and closing circle

Early bird price by registration before 16.02.2025: kr 999
Regular price: kr 1221

Info and registration via

Yoga mats and bolsters are available. Please bring comfortable clothes to move in and extra warm clothes, a blanket and an eye mask if needed to relax. 

Kindly supported by Rom for pust.

‘Faszination Monochord’ im Juli/August 2025


Im Sommer 2025 biete ich zum zweiten Mal eine Reihe von Wohlfühltagen in der Praxis von Martina Gläser-Böhme in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern an.

Der Workshop bietet einen Kennenlerntag mit dem Monochord und eine Klang-und Bewegungsreise zu den vier Elementen Wasser, Erde, Luft und Feuer mit Yoga und Tanz-improvisationen zur Auflockerung und zum körperlichen Erfahren der Klänge.

Wir arbeiten in einer kleine Gruppe von max. 6 Personen.

Tagesablauf „Faszination Monochord“ 10-18

10:00 Willkommenskreis und Klangmeditation

11:30 Hatha Yoga Stunde mit Entspannung zu Monochordklängen

13:00 Mittagspause

14:30 Einladung zum gemeinsamen Monochordspiel

15:30 Tanzimprovisation und Monochord

17:00 Klangmeditation und Abschlusskreis

Der Workshop wird auf Deutsch und Englisch angeboten.

Sonntag 27.7.2025 Wasser

Sonntag 3.8.2025 Erde

Samstag 9.8.2025 Luft

Sonntag 17.82025 Feuer

Alte Mühle Hohendorf, Am Mühlenbach 3, 17438 Wolgast, Deutschland

Anmeldung und weitere Info per Mail:

Yoga and Monochord


During my stay in Indonesia I completed a Hatha Yoga teacher training at Balance Mind Body Soul in Yogyakarta. In collaboration with the sound therapist Galih Naga Seno, we brought Hatha Yoga and Sound Medicine into harmony. The healing power of live music in the form of spherical sounds moved into my consciousness and became an indispensable part of my yoga practice. Back in Europe, I discovered the feeltone Monochord, a string instrument for intuitive play and perfect companion for my yoga classes. 

My Yoga classes consist of three parts: 

  • Guided meditation to create awareness for the present moment and to connect to our breathing.

  • Hatha Yoga Asanas with the focus on alignment, balance, flexibility and strengthening the core.

  • Sound meditation for relaxation in Savasana with the soothing sounds of the Monochord.

My accessible Yoga classes are well suited for both beginners and those who have tried yoga before. I adapt the class to different bodies and conditions. 

During the Corona lockdown I started teaching online Yoga classes. This offered the possibility to stay connected with my students and to make my classes more accessible to people around the world. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in joining one of my group classes or if you would like to book an individual session tailored to your needs.


How to read water #7 at E&G Teater